Government Information (Public Access) Policy

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) provides public access to government held information by—

  • giving members of the public a legally enforceable right to access government information,
  • ensuring that access to government information is restricted only when there is an overriding public interest against releasing that information,
  • authorising and encouraging the proactive release of information by NSW public sector agencies.

The GIPA Act is administered by the NSW Information and Privacy Commission (IPC), an independent statutory body, that promotes and protects privacy and information access rights in New South Wales. The IPC website contains information for government agencies and the public about accessing government information in NSW.


PCO’s Government Information (Public Access) Policy GIPA Policy 2023 (PDF 151KB) outlines the PCO’s functions, how we operate, the nature of the information we hold and the approach we take to administering the GIPA Act.

Applications for information from the PCO can be made using the Access Application Form .

GIPA Compliance Officer contact details

Any request or queries in relation to GIPA and the PCO should be directed to—

    Mark Reid, Chief Operating Officer

    Phone: 02 9321 3364

Updated: July 2023